Search the LJMU website

  1. What we do

    Find out more about what the Environmental Management team do

  2. Your guide to fees and funding

    Learn about student finance at Liverpool John Moores University - from funding and fees, to scholarships and bursaries.

  3. UK bank accounts

    Find out what you need to open a UK bank account as an EU student at LJMU, and explore the types of accounts available.

  4. Women Academics Network

    The University Women Academics Network (WAN) is for all female academics at Professorial, Reader and Pre-Reader (AKA: Early Career Researcher) level.

  5. Ethnically Diverse Staff Network

    The LJMU Ethnically Diverse Staff Network is open to staff whom identify as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, in the first instance.

  6. Staff Disability Network

    The LJMU Staff Disability Network is open to staff whom identify as having a disability (physical, hidden, mental and long-term health conditions), in the first instance.

  7. Derek Bailey interview – Elder Dempster

    Derek Bailey joined Elder Dempster Lines in 1957. In his interview, Derek recalls what it was like living on a ship with a wife and children at home. Derek also speaks about Elder Dempster Lines’ latter years.

  8. Staff suggestion scheme

    The staff suggestion scheme has been introduced to give all employees the opportunity to make positive suggestions to contribute to the success of the University.