Search the LJMU website

  1. Make a payment

    Online payments at LJMU, pay your fees, pay international fees, browse the online shop or top up your virtual purse

  2. Outreach – meet the team

    Get to know the Outreach Team at Liverpool John Moores University and discover how they support students on their education journey.

  3. What we do

    Find out more about what the Environmental Management team do

  4. Managing your money

    Get free financial support from LJMU's Student Advice Team, plus our top 10 budgeting tips to help you manage your money and enjoy university life.

  5. Politics – interviews with women activists in Nepal

    As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are making positive changes in politics in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.

  6. Diabetes - staff wellbeing hub

    Find out more about diabetes, including how to reduce your risk of developing it, signs and symptoms of diabetes and advice on managing this condition.