"I was quite shy in first year and now I'm President'
Emily Roxbee Cox on how she wants to give students the best possible experience
Emily Roxbee Cox on how she wants to give students the best possible experience
LJMU welcomed Helen Marriage, the Co-founder and Director of Artichoke arts production company, to its first Luminary Lecture of 2022.
Amid relief and joy, almost 100 of our own university colleagues collected their degrees this week. We spoke to a handful of them ...
Here are some highlights of what happened at the first two graduation ceremonies of the week.
The representations of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) roles is improving, but there’s work to be done. As of 2018, WISE Campaign (Women into Science and Engineering) announced that the UK is on track to have one million women working in the field by 2020. These statistics are encouraging, and demonstrate an improvement in opportunities shown to young women who pursue the career path.
Graphic Design and Illustration alumna, Lauren McLardy has been commissioned to create a new piece of work for Coventry City Council to mark World Mental Health Day 2020.
The annual Susan Cotton and Sue Dunthorne Travel awards are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the school, designed to enhance students personal and career development through travel and impactful experiences. Successful applicants for the Susan Cotton Awards receive a budget of £1500 to spend on the trip of a life to their choice of destinations, while the Sue Dunthorne Travel Bursary is an award of £500 to travel anywhere in the UK or overseas.
Sophia Charuhas's graduate art show selected for the Science Gallery, Melbourne.
Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.
Around 40 students will exhibit their ideas from MA courses in Fine Art, Graphic Art and Illustration, Art in Science, Fashion Innovation and Realisation and Exhibition Studies.