Free IT software and services
As an LJMU student, you get access to a range of free IT resources. Explore what’s available to enhance your studies.
As an LJMU student, you get access to a range of free IT resources. Explore what’s available to enhance your studies.
Find out more about the free legal advice the Legal Advice Centre provides.
Analyse some of the most iconic literary texts or find your own voice through creative writing. Explore our English literature and creative writing courses.
Find out useful information and tips for writing the manuscript.
Find out ways to enhance the visibility of your academic writing
Find out more information about waiting to hear whether your manuscript has been accepted.
Find out about our public engagement activities, our background and what we do at Face to Face.
Find out more about creative writing within the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
The LAC is staffed by students, and supervised by experienced clinic staff and volunteer solicitors from leading Liverpool law firms. The Centre advises on a wide range of legal issues, provides public legal information services and conducts policy and other research.
It might appear to be a daunting task to try and publish a piece of work on your own, find out why it may be worthwhile to think about publishing with others and working in writing teams.