Prepare for learning and studying

Whether you are studying at university for the first time or returning as a postgraduate student, our academic staff are here to ensure you have an amazing teaching and learning experience.

Find out about the digital technologies that will support your lectures and seminars, and the people who can help explain important things about university study such as referencing and finding the right books for your research.

Our virtual learning environment


Canvas is our Virtual Learning Environment. This is where you will find lots of information relating to all the modules you will be studying, such as lecture materials, readings, audio and video resources, quizzes and assignment support. It is also the place where you will submit online assessments and get your feedback.

You will get lots more information about Canvas during your induction but if you can’t wait to find out more, there is a video embedded below.
The transcript is also available.

Help with Canvas

Get to know the basics:

Studying for success short online course

Studying for Success is a short course that you can complete before you arrive at LJMU. It is designed to introduce you to some of the core features of Canvas so that you can become familiar with the system before you start your studies. In addition, the course covers some of the basic skills that you will need for successful study at university.

Academic Achievement and Subject Librarians

Once you begin your studies, you will be able to get dedicated support from the Academic Achievement Team who are based within the Student Life Building.

They can explain university terminology and assessment expectations to you and provide you with guidance about organising your workload and developing your academic writing or use of maths and statistics.

As well as your lecturers and personal tutors, the Academic Achievement Team can help you to understand and act on feedback and improve your work. Your Subject Librarians can also help you to find the reading materials that you need, and how to reference your work properly.

Managing your time during your studies

University can feel very different to school or college. When you get your timetable, it might seem as if you have a lot of free time, but that time can get filled up very quickly with non-study activities if you don’t plan and set aside time for studying.

To help get you off to a good start, follow our top tips:

  • Get yourself a wall chart or calendar (you’ll get a JMSU one if living in student accommodation) so that you can visualise how you will be spending your time throughout the year. Or if you prefer, set up phone and smartwatch reminders to keep you on track.
  • Note down your classes and all of your assignment deadlines on your calendar so that you can’t be caught out by missing a class or be surprised by the work that needs to be done.
  • Make sure you include your independent and group study sessions on your calendar, blocking out time every week to better manage your reading, research, note making, assignment drafting, editing and proof-reading time. For example, for a three-hour class (lecture and seminar) you should be trying to do around 6 hours of your own study in support of your learning.
  • We know it’s not all about studying, you might have important social, family or cultural events happening throughout the year. Add these to your calendar too so that you can balance your social time with important deadlines.
  • Completed something from your calendar? Tick it off and reward yourself - watch a film, meet friends, go to the gym or any other activity you enjoy - so that you create positive associations with studying.
  • Think about where to study, somewhere you can’t be distracted. Do you work better at home or in your student accommodation? Or what about on campus in one of our libraries or IT suits? Choose a space where you can focus.

And finally, don’t forget to check your LJMU email every day and Canvas regularly. Your tutors will direct your learning each week with recommended reading and writing activities, sending you updates via email or Canvas.

When you organise your time like this, assignments will become more manageable, your stress levels reduce, and your good grades will reflect your hard work and effort.