Curriculum Enhancement Internships 2020/21: Inclusive Practice Projects

Funding was made available to support a number of Curriculum Enhancement Student Internship projects during 2020/2021.  The emphasis was on the development of diverse, inclusive and accessible curricular and pedagogies to enhance provision for all students, with specific emphasis on those from underrepresented groups.  Projects were undertaken by staff and students working together on a range of topics.  These included: developing accessible and inclusive learning resources from media archives;  exploring inclusive practice in relation to in-class participation; collating resources in support of decolonising the curriculum; and developing inclusive practice in relation to hidden disabilities and neurodiverse students.  In some cases, projects ran in collaboration between academic departments and professional service teams, such as Student Advice and Wellbeing, Library Services and Student Advancement.

For further detail on any of the projects please contact the Project Leader or Liz Clifford.

Inclusive Practice

The evaluation and implementation of an inclusive and diverse Student Wellbeing Journal university wide

Hidden disabilities and online learning: How can we make blended teaching more inclusive?

Designing Assessment for Neurodiverse Students in Civil Engineering and the Built Environment to meet Professional Body competency requirements.

Equality diversity and inclusion ally project for the Pre-Registration Nursing programme

Teaching a broader journalism: developing the resources to embed inclusivity and diversity in the Journalism curriculum

MA Writing: Writing, Inclusion and Diversity

Understandings and Perceptions of Inclusive Practices for In-Class Participation in Physical and Online Learning Spaces

Simulated e-learning

Tackling digital exclusion and encouraging inclusivity

What’s Your Story?

Developing and embedding a range of outdoor interventions with under-represented groups to enhance wellbeing and engagement with the natural environment.

Decolonising the Curriculum

Curriculum Enhancement Internship Funding also supported a number of projects that were directed towards decolonising the curriculum as part of developing more inclusive and diverse practice. These projects included curriculum audits undertaken across a number of programme areas. Summaries of all these projects are included here. For further detail on any of these projects please contact the Project Leader (details in the summaries) or Liz Clifford.

Faq Items

EDIpedia Part 2: Developing an accessible and expanded repository of STEM scholars from under-represented groups

Decolonising the Curriculum in English Literature

Creating a Decolonising the Curriculum microsite

Embedding decolonising the curriculum material in tutorials and teaching material in core methods modules

Decolonising the Academic Achievement Curriculum

Decolonising the Curriculum Audits

Decolonising the Curriculum audits supported by Curriculum Enhancement Internships took place in four programme areas. The curriculum audits drew on a methodology developed and piloted by Ross Dawson formerly from the School of Humanities and Social Science, during a successful curriculum audit of the undergraduate English degree.

For further detail of how each was undertaken, the resources utilised to support the audit, and how outcomes are informing changes to the curriculum please contact the Project Leaders.

Faq Items

Project Leads: Dr Nicola Koyama and Dr Jon Bielby, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Project Lead: Dr Denise Lee, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Project Leads: Dr Shaqil Chaudary and Dr Neil Henney, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Project Lead: Dr Tori Sprung, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences