Collaborative Partnership with Risktec Solutions

One of the LJMU’s most successful partnerships has been the one forged with Risktec Solutions. Risktec is a multinational consultancy firm specialising in risk and safety management, with its headquarters in Warrington, UK and other offices in key locations in Europe, Middle East, South East Asia and North America. A detailed background of Risktec can be found on the Risktec website.

Risktec and LJMU have worked together for over 20 years, and recently this partnership was commended as meeting the growing need for industry-related courses and qualifications in risk and safety management. LJMU’s researchers have worked across multiple industry sectors, supporting sustainable innovation and industry growth nationally and internationally.

In 2009, Risktec and LJMU collaborated to develop postgraduate qualifications in Risk and Safety Management, including a unique MSc programme. This programme brings together the academic expertise of LJMU, with the industry practitioners at Risktec. It is designed for students in full-time employment from all over the world, and delivered part-time and 100% online. The programmes are validated and awarded by LJMU.

For more details see MSc in risk safety management.

LJMU and Risktec have also collaborated to secure a fully funded Visiting Professor position in Safety and Engineering Risk Management. This role was fulfilled by a Risktec principal consultant and provided LJMU with industry-focused guest lectures in risk management, and its application, to undergraduate engineering students. The role has now been closed, but the relationship is continuing through the appointment of the same Risktec consultant as an Adjunct Professor within the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.

LJMU and Risktec continue to collaborate in many ways and are currently working towards offering a PhD programme in the field of risk, safety and security management. The programme will offer students, academics, and industry specialists a unique opportunity to collaborate through cutting-edge research within high hazard industries.

The recent establishment of Risktec’s Research and Development group Research And Development - Risktec ( will strengthen the opportunity for collaboration through joint research and industrial projects between our two organisations further.


Risktec Training and Education:

Website: Training - Risktec (

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