School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences facilities

State-of-the-art facilities

We have a whole range of specialist facilities and equipment depending on your area of study.

Take a virtual tour of our facilities in the James Parsons Building and Life Sciences Building.

Our facilities are equipped for:

  • Clinical skills
  • Forensic analysis
  • DNA analysis
  • Formulation and tableting
  • Animal cell tissue culture and stem cell research
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Targeting of drugs
  • Chemical synthesis
  • Instrumental chemical analysis
  • Spectroscopic studies
  • Microscopy: SEM, TEM and confocal microscopes
  • Computational chemistry

We enjoy good relations with local hospital laboratories and can often use their pathology laboratories for high throughput analyses of samples (a capacity that enhances our responsiveness). We are in receipt of equipment to a value of £145K including a Waters Quattro Premier Triple Quadrupole LCMS, Thermo X Series II ICPMS, a UPLC (from Alder Hey, NHS Trust) to develop new methods of high speed insulin analysis and use of a CEM SP-D microwave digestion system from AstraZeneca.