Background should be no obstacle to careers in Law!

Law Factor scheme success in schools

A commitment to supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their aspirations is part of our DNA at Liverpool John Moores University.

One flagship initiative is aimed specifically at increasing opportunity for under-represented groups of young people to study and ultimately practice law. Managed by LJMU's Catherine Shillito, The Law Factor programme gives pupils in Year 10 the opportunity to discover more about the legal profession through a structured programme of activity delivered by the Liverpool law firm, DWF.

Twilight interactions provide selected young people with an insight into law led by professional DWF staff, helping them to develop their confidence and belief that such careers are accessible to them. Throughout a five-week programme, internal and external speakers offered their words of wisdom, including LJMU Director of the Foundation of Citizenship Zia Chaudhry who spoke of his experience as a longstanding criminal barrister. 

Needed 'more than ever'

More than 20 pupils took part in the programme with pupils from across the North West, selected by widening participation criteria, including first generation, low socio-economic background and black and minority ethnic status.

Helen Redmond, DWF Solicitor and Law Factor lead said: “With new tasks and excellent engagement from the students, LJMU staff and DWF volunteers, I am so proud to offer this programme when young people need inspiration and experiences like this more than ever.  It was fantastic to work with new and old faces including the Anthony Walker Foundation, these opportunties really enhance the progamme”.

Feedback from pupils was hugely postive

- “I learnt so much from the programme, from the different areas of law, key skills required to an overall idea of what working in law is like.”

- “Gained a greater knowledge of ‘the law world’. It made me realise that law is something I 100% want to do."


Pupils who took part in Law Factor will get further opportunities to engage with LJMU, including the chance to visit our School of Law.

If you would like to find out more about how the outreach team supports access to the professions and other initiatives you may be interested in, email

See more diversity news: Law student Mya seeks to tackle discrimination.


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