Community Engagement: Faculty's open door to research

A highly-successful REF 2021 is the backdrop to a forthcoming event to better engage our local communities in LJMU research.

BIG IDEAS, a cultural event on June 8, will showcase a range of exciting research studies in the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, notably those that impact on or engage with Merseyside’s communities.

The event will be held from  (5–8pm) in the Student Life Building where community groups, businesses, charities and other stakeholders have been invited to hear about  LJMU’s exciting research. 

Associate Dean for Research, Professor Catherine Cole, said: “We want to show how our research is leading the world and changing the communities in which we live.

“BIG IDEAS will provide stakeholders and interested parties with an ideal opportunity to hear from our researchers, to meet staff from our faculty research centres and institutes and some of our research students.”

Changing lives

The welcome will feature short presentations from the Faculty’s schools and these talks will range from the Littlewood’s site and it’s history, global warming, Jamaican art, shyness, help for the children of prisoners and Facelab to name just a few.

Staff will be on hand to share information and ideas and visual  displays will show just how extensive the faculty’s research is. Refreshments will be served too so attendees can informally meet with our researchers to discuss how we can continue to assist and support joint research projects across Liverpool and Merseyside. 

APSS is strongly committed to research and it’s power to change lives and communities. This event will become an annual one from which we will continue to serve our communities. 

If you are a local organisation, business, charity or interested party, please contact


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