Celebrating Cultures Event

A reflection on the Celebrating Cultures Event


The celebrating cultures event this year had India, China, Canada, Pakistan, Colombia, Nepal, England, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lesotho, Scotland, Vietnam, Nigeria, Indonesia, Greece, Italy, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Iran, Somalia and Brazil being represented.

As an international student being able to see so many different cultures being celebrated by my university made me feel more welcome. As more than being a celebration it was a statement on how this university not only acknowledges the diverse cultures, but also includes them in days so important for the overall university. Since the celebrating culture event occurred on the same day as the Student at Heart conference when the Student Life Building was full of academics, students, and staff. Therefore, many of the key stakeholder of the university were able to see the diversity of their students and staff.

As an international student sometimes, it can be overwhelming to be in a new environment, but events like this make you feel less alone in your experience as you get the opportunity to talk to other people who are in the same situation as you. Furthermore, you get to know more about each different country from being able to see England’s national dance the Morris, from seeing the young Indian girls dancing Bollywood, the Italian magician, and the Chinese soprano.

Overall, it was a unique day which will always be remembered.



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