15th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management (GCMM)

Special Update on COVID19 - Impact on the GCMM2020 Conference

The 15th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management will take place online

GCMM logo

Monday 7 - Wednesday 9 June 2021

www.ljmu.ac.uk/gcmm2020 (opens in a new tab) or www.ispem.pwr.edu.pl (opens in a new tab)

For more information:

Please contact the host Dr Andre Batako by email:

gcmm2020@ljmu.ac.uk or a.d.batako@ljmu.ac.uk 


Professor Anna Burduk (Poland): anna.burduk@pwr.edu.pl

Please join us in celebrating the 30th Anniversary of GCMM 1990-2020

Publishing Strategy

All accepted papers will be published in indexed journals (EI Compendex, Scopus, Web of Science, SCI), i.e. Elsevier: Procedia Manufacturing, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering; Springer: Intelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering; IMechE: Proceeding of the IMechE part B & part C.

Special Notice for Authors who have already submitted their full papers

All full papers that have been submitted to GCMM2020 are currently being reviewed and each author will receive reviewers’ comment along with journal specific template to format the final camera-ready version of the manuscript.  We have received papers from a broad range within the manufacturing, modelling and management; therefore, we will publish the papers in the best suitable journal to maximise the visibility and the citation of the papers.