International Scientific Committee for River Flow 2024

The International Scientific Committee for river Flow 2024 is composed by academics and industrial expert within the various topics explored during the works. They support the conference thanks to their invaluable experience and knowledge in various aspects, by reviewing papers, leading sessions and providing support for keynotes, master classes and tours, amongst others.

The Local Organising Committee would like to thank all the members of the conference for their invaluable contributions:

  • Dr Mawada Abdellatif (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Jochen Aberle (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Prof Habib Ahmari (University of Texas at Arlington)
  • Ms Ban Hikmat Qasim Al-Hasani (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Dr Manolia Andredaki (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Dr Zeinab Bedri (TU Dublin Ireland)
  • Dr Ana Margarida Bento (University of Porto, Portugal)
  • Dr Koen Berends (Deltares)
  • Dr Frederic Bezombes (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Andrea Bottacin-Busolin (University of Padua, Italy)
  • Dr Muriel Brückner (Louisiana State University, United States of America)
  • Prof Giulio Calvani (EPFL Switzerland)
  • Dr Iacopo Carnacina (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Rita Carvalho (University of Coimbra MARE-ARNET)
  • Prof Hubert Chanson (The University of Queensland, Australia)
  • Dr Christophe Chevalier (Gustave Eiffel University, France)
  • Dr Kiran Chinnayakanahalli (Verisk, United States of America)
  • Mr Mohammad Kifayath Chowdhury (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
  • Prof Slaven Conevski (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
  • Prof George Constantinescu (University of Iowa, United States of America)
  • Prof James Cooper (University of Liverpool, UK)
  • Mr Miguel Costa (University of Porto, Portugal)
  • Dr Bhabani Shankar Das (NIT Patna)
  • Prof Rajib Das (Jadavpur University, India)
  • Mr Luiz Eduardo Domingos de Oliveira (University of Naples Federico II)
  • Prof Andrea Del Gaudio (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
  • Dr Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak (EDF France)
  • Dr Nadir Elagib (University of Cologne, Germany)
  • Prof Cristian Escauriaza (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  • Dr Stefan Felder (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
  • Prof Domenico Ferraro (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria)
  • Dr Elizabeth Follett (University of Liverpool)
  • Prof Mario Franca Karlsruhe (Institute of Technology, Germany)
  • Dr Anastasios Georgoulas (University of Brighton)
  • Dr Patrick Grover (BGC Engineering)
  • Prof Paola Gualtieri (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
  • Dr Hossein Hamidifar (Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
  • Dr Clare Harris (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Marwan Hassan (University of British Columbia, Canada
  • Dr Alexandre Hauet (EDF, France)
  • Prof Howard Ho (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
  • Prof Shaohua Marko Hsu (Feng Chia University, Taiwan)
  • Dr Ibijoke Idowu (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Lorenzo Innocenti (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Florence)
  • Dr Ing. Katinka Koll (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Prof Serhat Kucukali (Hacettepe University)
  • Dr Pavitra Kumar (University of Liverpool)
  • Prof Manojkumar Langhi (Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management, India)
  • Dr Frédérique Larrarte (Gustave Eiffel University, France)
  • Dr Melissa Latella (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC))
  • Dr Jérôme Le Coz (INRAE, France)
  • Prof Angelo Leopardi (Università Degli Studi Di Cassino E Del Lazio Meridionale, Italy)
  • Prof Bashar Maaroof (University of Babylon, Iraq)
  • Dr Luca Mao (University of Lincoln)
  • Dr Francisco Javier Martinez Carreaux (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso)
  • Prof Rui ML Ferreira (CERIS Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Dr Julio Isaac Montenegro Gambini (Delft University of Technology (TU Delft))
  • Prof Rafael Murillo Muñoz (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
  • Dr Ahmed Nasr (TU Dublin Ireland)
  • Dr Annie Ockelford (University of Liverpool, UK)
  • Prof Nils Reidar B. Olsen (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
  • Dr Yassin Osman (University of Bolton, United Kingdom)
  • Dr Ellora Padhi (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India)
  • Prof Michele Palermo (University of Pisa, Italy)
  • Dr Natascia Pannozzo (Delft University of Liverpool)
  • Dr Nadia Penna (Università della Calabria, Italy)
  • Dr Ellis Penning (Deltares, Netherlands)
  • Dr Elena Pummer (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU))
  • Prof Alessio Radice (Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy)
  • Prof Colin Rennie (University of Ottawa)
  • Prof Steve Rice (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Jose Rodriguez (The University of Newcastle, Australia)
  • Ms Felicite Ruddock (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Nils Ruether (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
  • Prof Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Dr Isabella Schalko (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL Switzerland)
  • Dr Ralph Schielen (Delft University of Technology)
  • Prof Siamak Seyfi (York University)
  • Prof Sandra Soares-Frazao (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
  • Dr Luca Solari (University of Florence, Italy)
  • Prof Eniko Anna Tamás (Ludovika University of Public Service, Faculty of Water Sciences)
  • Dr Phillip Taylor (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Donatella Termini (University of Palermo, Italy)
  • Dr Roshni Thendiyath (National Institute of Technology Patna, India)
  • Dr Enrico Tubaldi (University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom)
  • Prof Tatsuhiko Uchida (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)
  • Dr Daniel Valero (Imperial College, London)
  • Dr Manousos Valyrakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
  • Dr Kryss Waldschlager (Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands)
  • Prof Catherine Wilson (University of Cardiff, UK)
  • Prof Salah Zubaidi (University of Wasit, Iraq)

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