What our graduates say


Keen Fai Ng

Class of 2017

After completing his undergraduate degree in Malaysia, Keen Fai wanted a change. He travelled to the UK and enrolled at LJMU to study a Masters degree in Digital Marketing

Keen Fai is now a Web and CRM Campaign Expert for a global company, a role he acquired soon after graduating.

Keen's experience at LJMU

Liverpool's multiculturalism was among the city's many assets that attracted Keen Fai: "The most rewarding thing about studying in Liverpool was being able to learn how to communicate with people from different backgrounds and cultures."

During his studies, Keen Fai was a member of LJMU International Society which allowed him to socialise with international and UK students alike. He participated in celebratory events that showcased different regions throughout the world. As a result, he now speaks many languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Bahasa Malaysia -all of which have aided him in his new career.

"My job involves building marketing campaigns, developing webpages and using advanced software. Thanks to my travelling experience from studying at LJMU, I now work as part of an international organisation. The theory and technical knowledge (Web Development and Marketing) that I was taught at LJMU really prepared me for my current job. My course included time and expectation management lessons which have proved extremely useful. Being part of LJMU's alumni means I can keep up to date with University events and connect with other graduates in similar fields to mine."

Anwesha Chatterjee

Class of 2018

After obtaining her BA in Law 2016 in West Bengal, India, Anwesha went onto receive a Distinction in International Business Corporate and Finance Law at Masters level from LJMU last year.

After her international experience, Anwesha is now an Assistant Professor at Kingston Law College in Kolkata, India, a role that she feels LJMU wholly prepared her for.

Anwesha's experience at LJMU

During her time at LJMU, Anwesha was a course representative, which complimented her law MA, allowing her to put her training into practice. She liaised between students and staff contributing towards making the course and student experience the best it could be.

LJMU’s plethora of social and academic societies was completely embraced by Anwesha who was quick to become a member of the moot court society. The group compete in presenting legal issues and problems against an opposing council and before a judge. It is perhaps the closest experience that a student can have to appearing in court whilst at university.

“I represented the law school at moot court competitions and worked as a research assistant for the school of law as well.”

Anwesha thoroughly enjoyed her time at LJMU and thought the course content was tailor-made to her areas of interest; “It allowed me to focus on areas of law that I am truly passionate about. I learned to work and research in a more critical way as a postgraduate student.”

The LLM graduate also took advantage of LJMU’s varied career services which she says, “are unparalleled.”

“I had received help from them about PhD applications while I was in Liverpool and the best part is that I still continue to receive help with applications and cover letters for PhD studies from LJMU.”

Anwesha’s Masters degree laid down the foundations for her career as an academic. She feels privileged to be a part of LJMU’s active alumni network.

“Even though I am no longer studying at LJMU, the alumni network helps me feel connected to me peers.”

Bob Cornect

Class of 2018

Bob Cornect, originally from Perth, Australia, graduated from Liverpool John Moores University in 2018 with a Master of Science degree in Astrophysics. Now working as a consultant geophysicist, Bob also runs his own private observatory with a computerised 16-inch telescope and works alongside his LJMU University professor.

Bob's experience at LJMU

LJMU’s MSc in Astrophysics is delivered by world-leading researchers and allows students the opportunity to carry out original research in a wide range of areas. Students are able to utilise the University’s access to the Liverpool Telescope, a two metre aperture research-quality robotic telescope, sited on La Palma in the Canary Islands.

Since graduating from LJMU, Bob has widened his international experiences further by working for the Hydrocarbon Finder, Oman. He is also involved with several astronomical collaborations in his spare time:

“I am a collaborator with the ASASSN Super Nova Detection project along with my LJMU Masters supervisor, Dr David Bersier”

During the project, the pair have discovered three Super Novae and one Tidal Disruption Event so far. Bob also works with other educational institutions:

“I have developed a professional/amateur collaboration looking at the star cluster NGC1851 to detect and confirm RR-Lyrae stars for entry into a Globular Cluster Catalogue.”

The skills and experiences that Bob honed while studying at LJMU provided him with the specialist knowledge needed to succeed in his chosen industry.

In addition, the Perth-born, LJMU alumni gives back to his community through local out-reach at the Perth Observatory as a volunteer presenter.

Wei Yin Ong

Class of 2018

Wei Yin Ong from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia graduated in 2018 with a BA (Hons) in Business Management at LJMU.

Soon after graduating, she made excellent use of the international experience she had gained by studying in Liverpool. She became a marketing executive at Sunway Group, a global conglomerate operating in 50 locations worldwide.

Wei Yin's experience at LJMU

Studying Business Management at LJMU has prepared Wei Yin for her new career, “In some lectures, we were required to debate on a particular topic in groups under a limited time. This experience trained me to respond to issues immediately and accurately.”

Wei Yin valued the detail and specificity of the course as well as its broad scope, “It allowed me to look into a particular topic from various perspectives so that every issue or matter was handled comprehensively.”

During her studies, Wei Yin took park in many of the university’s sports clubs and societies, “I joined both the badminton and library club and participated in planning, arranging and facilitating several events. These included the student orientation programme, the recycling campaign and a motivational workshop for 100 secondary school students.”

The experiences enabled Wei Yin to broaden her network of contacts and most importantly, to work together, “I learned the importance of teamwork and communication when it comes to achieving a common goal with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.”

Wei Yin’s career as an associate business analyst is extremely multi-faceted, “my typical day includes creating marketing strategies, tailored research and product development.”

The skills and theories that she acquired at LJMU have equipped her with the knowledge and experiences required to carry out the tasks assigned to her at work. “One of the assignments in my final year project involved creating a marketing plan for a newly established business. Though it was challenging, it enabled me to identify the possible problems I would face. I truly feel that I gained a huge insight into how businesses operate in the real world by studying at LJMU.”

By being part of LJMU’s alumni, Wei Yin has been able to give back to the university by offering new students some advice and information, “I believe this definitely helps them to be mentally prepared for the expectations set for them as students as well as how to make the most of their international experience at LJMU.”

Ionut Stamat

Class of 2018

After studying Biology in Romania, Ionut Stamat wanted adventure. He enrolled in LJMU and graduated in 2018 with a MSc in Wildlife Conservation and UAV Technology now called Wildlife Conservation and Drone Applications and now works in his dream role, as an ecologist.

Ionut, like any International student, had his reservations before arriving in Liverpool, “I was really anxious about how I would perform during my studies at LJMU but there were no problems.”

Ionut's experience at LJMU

LJMU’s world-class support for international students ensures they are guided through every step of the process. Ionut quickly settled into his course after being greeted by welcoming staff, “they are really nice. An awesome thing about LJMU is the lecturer-student relationship. The atmosphere in the classroom was really relaxed and enjoyable.”

Even though Ionut had already travelled a long way, he still wanted to further develop his international experience. LJMU facilitated his sense of adventure by offering a field trip to Tanzania where the class camped and carried out projects in the African forest.

“I learned how to use the Geographical Information Systems and to work with a GPS. But the best thing of all was that at LJMU, we learned how to fly drones and how to use them for conservation projects such as mapping.”

The Romanian student acquired his dream job just a few weeks after submitting his dissertation. Ionut now works as an ecologist, helping companies to obtain environmental permits for their projects by performing environmental studies on their perimeter. He identifies the fauna species around the area as well as their conservation status.

“My degree gave me almost all the skills required for my job. I have all the desired abilities that my employer wanted from me.”

Ionut is extremely proud of his degree and grateful that it provided him with the opportunity he had always wanted. He now stays connected to the university as an alumni member, “everyone is still able to communicate with each other and I get to stay in touch with some of the awesome people I met at LJMU.”

Julius Vieregge

Class of 2018

After graduating with a BA in Germany, Julius Vieregge wanted to expand his horizons and enrolled in a masters in Maritime Operations Management at LJMU.

He graduated with MSc in just 2018 and is now a marine insurance broker in Hamburg, Germany at a multiple award-winning insurance company, which prides itself in its global reach.

Julius' experience at LJMU

Julius studied one of LJMU’s internationally respected masters courses situated in one of the UK’s leading Maritime Schools. He benefited from the university’s international centre of excellence in maritime education and professional training.

During his time in the port city of Liverpool, Julius learned valuable research skills, academic writing and MS-Office-literacy during his studies:

“Most importantly, LJMU’s programme allowed me to meet and get to know great people from all over the world.”

LJMU’s teaching staff organised a range of excursions and conferences during Julius’ degree. This enhanced not only his fascination with the subject but provided him with a network of contacts and hands-on experience that boosted his employability after graduation.

Julius’ current role is an intermediary position between maritime stakeholders:

“I manage client’s insurance requirements, which includes negotiating with markets to obtain the best terms available, as well as developing and maintaining lasting and trusting relationships with all involved parties.”

Making excellent use of the skills and experiences he acquired at LJMU, Julius believe his studies wholly prepared him for his niche business career:

“One of the modules was even specifically dedicated my current job which is definitely as much preparation as one can get from a university.

Moreover, my job requires cooperation among various parties on an international level so the course’s international environment has been extremely advantageous.”

Julius is well and truly on the ladder to success and is proud of his achievements and of his time at LJMU:

“I feel grateful for the people I have been able to meet, the great time we had and for the chance to live and study abroad.”