Centre for the Study of Law in Theory and Practice (LTAP)

The Centre for the Study of Law in Theory and Practice (LTAP) provides a central hub for research and collaboration in several broadly defined areas of law across LJMU, enabling engagement with national and international partners for primary research, knowledge exchange activities, as well as practice-oriented work.

In the latest REF results (2021) our Unit of Assessment significantly increased the volume and quality of submitted LTAP-hosted research from 2014, coming close to the top 50 Law Schools in terms of research power, and demonstrating examples of world-leading and internationally excellent research, as well as internationally recognised work.

We work with researchers and research institutions across the globe, and regularly secure funding from a variety of prestigious sources, including European and British funding streams, such as the Economic and Social Research Council and the British Academy.

LTAP hosts a number of research units which are the backbone of our platform for academic research and public engagement in its multiple forms, as well as doctoral and post-doctoral supervision and mentoring.

“Brilliant” Annual Lecture on International LawLTAP hosted its annual lecture to a packed audience.

The Centre’s research work is both subject-based and interdisciplinary, lying at the very heart of legal theory, doctrine, policy, and practice from a domestic and international perspective

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