Join the Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement panel

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the Liverpool John Moores University Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement Panel (PPIE). The Panel is a group of people who have agreed to be contacted about future research projects at Liverpool John Moores University.

LJMU will keep a list of PPIE advisors on a secure database. When researchers would like external contributors for a study, they will obtain ethical clearance to use the panel and then an email will go out to all panel members (in blind copy) to advertise the research opportunity.

If you are interested in joining the panel, please read through the FAQs below then complete the signup form.

Frequently asked questions

The answers to these questions should help you decide if you would like to join the panel. If your question isn't addressed, please get in touch with us.

Faq Items

What is public and patient involvement?

What is public engagement?

Who can join the panel?

What will happen if I decide to join the panel?

How do I join the panel?

If I join the panel, do I have to take part when I am contacted about a study?

What kind of research might I be asked to be involved in?

If I have to come to the University will my out-of-pocket expenses be covered?

How often might I expect to be contacted about studies?

Will these studies be approved by a research ethics committee?

For how long will I remain a member of the panel?

Who can I contact with any questions before I decide to join the panel?

What if I decide to leave the panel?

Who can I contact with questions about the panel?

What if my contact details change?

How can I join the panel?

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to join the panel, please get in touch.

Contact: Claire Adshead

Institute for Health Research
Liverpool John Moores University
James Parson Building
3 Byrom St
L3 3AF