Public Health Institute resources

We offer a range of toolkits, databases, interactive maps and online resources for use by health professionals, academics and the general public.

Below you'll find our surveillance systems and other useful tools to help you in your search for public health information and data.

Our surveillance systems

Integrated Monitoring System (IMS)
The Integrated Monitoring System captures details of the non-structured treatment activity delivered by a variety of providers including syringe exchanges and substance misuse services across Cheshire & Merseyside. Our IMS Online tool allows providers to record activity such as recovery support interventions and syringe exchange provision for reporting to local public health commissioners.

Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG)
Established to look at access to quality and reliable injury information. A major element of TIIG is the ongoing development of an Injury Surveillance System (ISS) across the North West of England. The TIIG ISS collects and reports on injury data from local emergency departments (EDs) across Merseyside, Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester. TIIG also warehouses data collected by the North West Ambulance Service.

Drug Interventions Programme (DIP)
DIP’s aim is to identify and engage with drug using offenders at every stage of the criminal justice system. At each stage the intention is to provide services tailored to clients’ specific needs, addressing issues such as housing, education, employment, finance, family relationships and health as well as offending behaviour and drug use. DIP aims to provide a beginning-to-end support system that can direct drug using offenders out of crime and into treatment.

Other useful tools

Prevent Violence
Violence destroys the lives of millions of people throughout the world. In the UK alone, almost three million incidents of violence are estimated to be committed towards adults each year, with thousands more directed at children. Yet, violence and its devastating impacts on individuals, families, communities and wider society can be prevented. The purpose of this website is to provide a violence prevention resource for policymakers, practitioners and others working to tackle and prevent violence.

Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPED)
This site and supporting resources, developed by Public Health Wales, in conjunction with the Public Health Institute aims to provide reliable and evidence based information and advice to reduce the harms associated with the use of IPEDs.

HIV Tool
The HIV and AIDS data archive includes a collection of annual reports produced between 1996 and 2014. The tool also allows you to select and view data from the archive.

World Health Organization Violence Info
The Violence Prevention Information System was launched and developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization and other partners. The online tool was developed after the Public Health Institute received funding from the UBS Optimus Foundation to address the lack of a single, authoritative, and comprehensive website to synthesise, in a highly accessible form, information on violence and its prevention. Violence Info aims to improve access to scientific information about all types of interpersonal violence, including findings on prevalence rates, risk factors, consequences, and prevention and response strategies, through creating a data repository and displaying the information in a user-friendly format on a website.