About the Institute and what we do

Established in 1997, the Institute continues to be the cutting-edge and vibrant home of research activity within the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

The Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES) has an inclusive membership within the School and welcome members from around the Faculty and University. In addition we have over 25 visiting or honorary researchers from around the globe who provide world-leading expertise and insight. RISES successfully maintains a high profile international reputation for its research outputs, impact and environment.

RISES has been ranked 1st in the UK for Research Quality in Sport and Exercise Sciences at the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014*.

What have we achieved?

97% of our research activity is rated world-leading or internationally excellent, clearly recognising the global status of RISES. We’ve also been awarded the Research Team of the Year 2015 by Educate North.

Our REF 2014 highlights:

  • a total of 60 research papers rated at 4* was the largest volume of research papers at that level in the Unit of Assessment
  • a fantastic 90% of impact (or translation) activity was rated at 4*
  • a grade point average of 3.57 was calculated from 62% of research activity at a score of 4* (world leading) and 35% of research activity at 3* (internationally excellent)
  • a sector leading 100% of our research environment was rated at 4*
  • of the 1,911 submissions to the REF2014 in all areas from all Universities we were ranked 11th nationally for overall research quality (this is the top score outside of the Russell Group, the top score of any Department in post-92 institutions and the highest score of any Department north of Cambridge

So why not work with one of the best teams of sport scientists in the world? Find out how your research project will benefit from working alongside our researchers.

* Research Quality Index data provided by Research Professional and available via Research Fortnight (opens in a new tab).