Female Physiology

Our mission is to shed light on the unique and complex biological processes that underpin the exceptional abilities of females and female athletes, and how these insights can benefit active females across the lifespan.  

Why is Research on Female Athlete Physiology and Metabolism Important?

We believe that understanding the intricacies of female physiology is of paramount importance. Historically, much of sports and exercise science research has been centered around male athletes, with limited attention given to the distinct physiology of their female counterparts.

However, we now recognise that women's bodies respond differently to training and nutrition, and we must also consider the various life stages of a female, such as menstruation, perimenopause, and post-menopause.

By investigating the mechanisms underpinning these unique physiological differences and adaptations, we can lead the way in how we approach training and performance optimisation. 

Exploring the Menstrual Cycle Across the Lifespan

Our research is dedicated to exploring the changes in the menstrual cycle throughout a woman's life. The menstrual cycle is a natural and complex process that profoundly influences female physiology and metabolism.

We strive to understand how these hormonal fluctuations impact athletic performance, recovery, and overall well-being. Understanding the intricacies of the menstrual cycle is not only vital for athletes but also for women seeking to enhance their general fitness and health during different life stages. 

Central to our research are muscle biopsy studies, which allow us to gain direct insight into the metabolic adaptations that occur in female athletes.

By examining muscle tissue, we can decipher how training, nutrition, and specific interventions, such as endurance training, low energy availability, and/or supplementation, influence the response way the female body adapts or responds to exercise.  

Translating our Research

The real-world application of our research is central to our endeavours. Our findings have far-reaching implications for athletes and the general population alike: 

  1. Tailored Training and Nutrition Strategies: Our research enables us to inform the training and nutrition practices of female athletes across the lifespan enabling optimal performance and health by aligning their practices with their physiology. 
  2. Health and Well-being for Women: Understanding the effects of the menstrual cycle on the metabolic response to exercise can empower women to make informed decisions about their physical activity, dietary choices, and overall well-being throughout their lives. 
  3. Performance Enhancement: By elucidating metabolic adaptations in female athletes, we can identify innovative interventions and targeted supplements to enhance performance, improve recovery, and reduce the risk of injury.