Digital Civics Lab

Digital Education and Society

As a transdisciplinary research group, the Digital Education and Society Research Group is engaged in research, knowledge exchange and pedagogical projects on the use of digital technologies and their impact on culture and society across a range of areas of inquiry including, but not limited to, education, health, digital humanities, politics, youth and community work, literacy studies, special educational needs, engineering, the law and social work, to name a few areas of concern.

The Institute has evolved over several past iterations since 1998, in Germany (1998-2002), Japan (2002-2009) and the UK (2010-current). Over the course of this period it has undertaken funded external research projects, publication activity and consultancy work, both nationally and internationally, with a wide range of partners in education and industry.

The Digital Education and Society Research Group includes a group of international academics and researchers engaged in transdisciplinary teaching, research and knowledge exchange. Members undertake research projects across several areas from the Arts and Humanities to Sciences, but particularly in the following areas:

  • Critical digital pedagogy
  • Digital parenting and families
  • ICT for Development (ICT4D)
  • Digital technologies and learning
  • Immersive Virtual and Personal Learning Environments
  • Digital literacies
  • Digital-games based learning
  • Digital health
  • Digital humanities
  • Digital technologies and sport
  • Learning analytics
  • Online learning

In terms of impact, members:

  • Participate in international forums about the role of digital technologies
  • Commission leading book series and service on international editorial boards
  • Contribute to international projects in teacher training
  • Coordinate the “Distance Learning and Digital Technologies” LinkedIn Group (ca. 5,000+ members)
  • Founded the International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments
  • Organiser of over fifty international conferences, symposia and workshops in the field
  • Participate as frequent keynote speakers around the globe
  • Contribute to the international media as subject experts on digital technologies and cultures

Please contact the Director if you wish to become a member of the Digital Education and Society Research Group: Professor Michael Thomas.


Meet the members of this group.

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PhD and Postgraduate Research Students