Travelling to IC1 Liverpool Science Park
Here you will find information about travelling to the IC1 Liverpool Science Park including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the IC1 Liverpool Science Park including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Find out where you can park for graduation, plus public transport information to help you get to the ceremony.
Liverpool John Moores University is committed to improving our practices to play our part in eradicating slavery and human trafficking. Read our Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement.
Find out more abut Career Development Programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, we provide some further reading suggestions so you can learn more about Nepal.
Sleep is an essential part of our lives; it is restorative both physically and psychologically. People can become very stressed and worried when they feel they are not getting enough sleep. Find out how to overcome sleep problems.
Qualitative Analysis in Action provides open access to interviews undertaken with inspirational women of Nepal. Read the interviews and find out more about the project.
With the aim of inspiring prospective students, our outreach programmes work with schools and colleges, career advisors and parents, sharing specialist higher education guidance and advice.
Process Map and Flow Charts
Our Diversity and Inclusion Projects at LJMU include how we are decolonising the curriculum and our work around bridging the degree awarding or attainment gap.