REF 2021: World-leading research across LJMU
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has more than doubled the amount of research that is judged to be world-leading or internationally-excellent by a national audit of UK universities.
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has more than doubled the amount of research that is judged to be world-leading or internationally-excellent by a national audit of UK universities.
World Mental Health Day on October the 10th is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Throughout the week starting Monday 7th– Friday 11th October LJMU Student Advice and Wellbeing Services will be delivering a range of activities and raising awareness to celebrate good mental health and encourage us all to look at what we can do to maintain and promote positive wellbeing.
In celebration of Black History Month LJMU Historian Dr Andrea Livesey delivered a bespoke lecture entitled "Toppling Statues and renaming building" | The Black Lives Matter Movement and the History of Slavery to young people across the U.K.
LJMU's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team are proud to be working in partnership with Subject Matter Expert; GenderSpace and are pleased to offer LJMU/JMSU Staff the opportunity to participate in a virtual, half day (three hour) Transgender Awareness Workshop.
There is currently one vacancy on the Board of Governors for a member of Teaching staff for the period of office 21st April 2020 to 20th April 2023.
We have a new system in place to support you in using audio visual and display technology in our teaching spaces.
Staff Infobase (Oracle E-Business Suite) is being upgraded over the Easter weekend. The upgraded system will be available by 8am on Tuesday 6th April. The upgrade will move the system to the latest version of the software, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and continues to effectively support the University's business.
Each year applications are invited for the conferment of Professorships and Readerships and the process for 2021 is now open
A Quick Update - blog by the conference team
Keren Coney, Careers Adviser in Student Advancement: LJMU's Careers, Employability and Enterprise Service, was thrilled to go to the House of Lords to meet with Lord Shinkwin to discuss how to support disabled graduates as they seek to enter the workplace.