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  1. Cost of attendance

    If you are an American student planning to study, or currently studying, at LJMU, part of the application process for a U.S. federal loan requires a cost of attendance to be calculated. Typical student expenses may include: tuition and accommodation fees, transport or book allowances, and more. Find out what the cost of attendance includes.

  2. Bibliotherapy groups

    Find out more about reading and writing for wellbeing groups for both students and staff running throughout the academic year.

  3. International student support

    As an international student we are there to help you settle into university life with ease. Our practical support includes: helping you to improve your English language skills, providing advice about bringing your family to the UK and counselling services.

  4. Consumer information

    As LJMU is a participating institution in the William D. Ford Federal Direction Loan Programme, we are obligated to provide some consumer information in relation to financial aid for U.S. students.

  5. Professor Mark Power

    Professor Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University.