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  1. Governance, Policy and Targets

    Our arrangements for environmental management, sustainability and climate change fit within the university's governance structures which have staff and student representation.

  2. Forensic Science

    The Forensic Science Research Group influences policy and provides real world solutions. Discover our expertise including analysis of ballistic and drug materials, properties of psycho and bioactive substances, and forensic microscopy. Meet our researchers and find out how we can work with you.

  3. Centre for Natural Products Discovery

    The interconnected research theme of the group is the prevention and cure of human diseases. We look at: synthetic organic medicinal chemistry, natural products drug discover, photochemistry, nutraceuticals and food supplements, pharmacology and toxicology.

  4. About the Centre

    Researchers in the Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology have used drones for the conservation of habitats, discovered how Neolithic agriculture spread, and uncovered the earliest evidence of hunting - to point out just a few of our achievements. Find out more about our work including current projects and collaborations.

  5. Public Health Institute resources

    Access a wide range of the Public Health Institute's toolkits, databases, interactive maps and online resources related to our areas of expertise within public health.