Criminology - School of Justice Studies
Our Criminology degree programme at LJMU takes our students on a thought provoking and engaging critical exploration of the institutions which make up the criminal justice system.
Our Criminology degree programme at LJMU takes our students on a thought provoking and engaging critical exploration of the institutions which make up the criminal justice system.
If you're a postgraduate or a mature student we understand you might have specific accommodation needs. We provide you with the options and information to help you make a decision and find accommodation that suits you best.
Humanities and Social Science
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Ever thought about whose job it was to decide what products should be on the supermarket shelves? We catch up with graduate Emily Burr, a buyer for Booths Supermarket, to find out what it's like to decide what the nation eats.
School of Justice Studies
Sports and Exercise Sciences
Get in touch with the School of Public and Allied Health.
Discover why everything is law
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