Cyclists at Giant Liverpool plug into sport science
Researchers Amy Whitehead and Dan Owens use sport science to benefit amateur cycling enthusiasts
Researchers Amy Whitehead and Dan Owens use sport science to benefit amateur cycling enthusiasts
LJMU are signed up to the Domestic Abuse Workplace Scheme, led by the Police and Crime Commissioner's office, and more workplace champions are being sought.
More than 170 Sri Lankans achieve LJMU degrees in Class of 2024
Staff and student homepages get new look and feel with improvements in access to news, announcements and quick links
MA Sports Journalism 'bolter' lands dream job
Please tell us about your experience as a postgraduate research student and help raise money for The Whitechapel Centre.
Primary school children from across Liverpool have been visiting LJMU as part of a programme to encourage the next generation of students, innovators and leaders.
First UK study to look at psychological birth trauma and long-term effects on coping with drink
LJMU and JMSU are gearing up for another action-packed Freshers period, here's some of the key things to expect.
Staff invited for lunch and tours on Wednesday, 13 October