Admissions Policy update
The LJMU Admissions Policy has recently undergone some minor amendments and the updated version can be found in the Policy Centre.
The LJMU Admissions Policy has recently undergone some minor amendments and the updated version can be found in the Policy Centre.
The updated policy includes further information on disposing of small amounts of confidential waste in confidential waste bins across the university and on how you can order secure bags for larger quantities.
Rob Molloy has been appointed as the university’s new Finance Director.
A key member of the Liverpool Telescope Gamma-Ray Burst Team, Professor Andreja Gomboc at the University of Nova Gorica in Slovenia, has received the 2015 Zois Award for her study of Gamma Ray Bursts.
From the start of the 2024/25 academic year the institutional style for Harvard referencing is changing from Harvard LJMU to Harvard Cite Them Right.
LJMU has donated £13,000 to a local charity to support people across Liverpool who need emergency food parcels.
An environmental study has revealed dozens of species of wildflowers and grass are thriving across the LJMU estate.
A new study has revealed that drones fitted with a standard camera are able to detect chimpanzee nests, saving conservation researchers hours of ground work.
Over the past month, more than 120 14- to 17-year-olds from across the UK have taken part in LJMU summer schools to inspire students from underrepresented backgrounds to consider higher education.
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