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an extended bibliography of sources relating to music in the work of James Joyce, in particular his first book, 'Chamber Music', published in London in 1907.
Qualitative Analysis in Action is an online toolkit that provides open access to 32 interviews with inspirational Nepali women along with a range of resources and demonstrations of qualitative data analysis.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, we provide some further reading suggestions so you can learn more about Nepal.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you can explore qualitative research based on interviews with Nepali women.
A summary of Elsevier Clinical Skills and information for Faculty of Health colleagues regarding accessing the platform
Elder Dempster Lines was one of the UK’s largest shipping companies. As part of the Homeward Bound project, we’ve spoken to a number of Elder Dempster’s former employees and passengers, recording their ‘real’ stories and experiences. You can listen to their Elder Dempster stories here.
Read more about the history of Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.