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  1. Research in Liverpool Business School

    Our research strategy has a strong focus on working with external partners. Find out more about our multidiscipline, collaborative and international approach to research has helped us build a solid reputation for producing world-class research within: Entrepreneurship and small business, Public management, Public and Private sector Evaluation research and Research with practitioners

  2. Appraisals

    The University has a personal review and personal development (Appraisal) scheme to provide clarity for staff at least once a year. Find out more about appraisals.

  3. Expertise within MEMARC

    The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) has four research groups. Here you can find out more about each of these research groups and their individual specialisms.

  4. Cheshire Botanicals Ltd

    Cheshire Botanicals Ltd is a family-run spirits business and the home of locally-loved Nantwich Gin.

  5. Fitness to Practise - Faculty of Science

    For some professional programmes the University is required to make a judgement on a students' fitness to practise a certain range of skills and professional behavior. This is entirely separate from any academic judgment issues that the University is required to make.

  6. Libraries in a Digital World

    The Libraries in a Digital World project explores how and in what ways digitisation is changing the role of libraries and how their design might evolve in the future in response.