CPD Masters Certificate of Professional Development: Fundamental Paediatric Pharmacy Practice
This Masters Certificate of Professional Development course will broaden your awareness and understanding of Fundamental Paediatric Pharmacy.
This Masters Certificate of Professional Development course will broaden your awareness and understanding of Fundamental Paediatric Pharmacy.
Gain the appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding of tissue viability and wound healing by studying on this continuing professional development course.
Register for the 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference takes place 3-5 April 2020 in Liverpool.
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School of Education
Graduate opportunities exist across all sectors and with employers of all sizes, but there are significant differences in the recruitment process and focus of the roles.
Members of the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour teach on a range of programmes. Find out more about our specific learning programmes.
Teaching and Learning Academy is part of Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool John Moores University is the Data Controller. Advance HE (organisation administering the survey) and JISC (organisation providing the survey platform) are data processors.
Course Loop is LJMU’s curriculum management system that allows you to view and update course information.
Gain a deeper understanding of dementia and the ability to identify innovations in care delivery and adapt these for your own organisation through this CPD course.