The Cost of Violence on Merseyside report - Public Health Institute
Landmark study finds serious violence costs £185m to region
Landmark study finds serious violence costs £185m to region
More than 150 healthcare professionals from across the country were celebrated at a conference hosted by LJMU that championed advanced clinical practice.
A film charting the history of Liverpool College of Art, today’s Liverpool School of Art and Design, was screened at a special event attended by more than 50 alumni of the college and university.
WHO and LJMU joint report on childhood trauma
Over the past month, more than 120 14- to 17-year-olds from across the UK have taken part in LJMU summer schools to inspire students from underrepresented backgrounds to consider higher education.
Meet local employers looking to hire you for roles you can fit around your studies.
Prof Padam Simkhada, Professor of International Public Health at the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, delivered the keynote speech in the International Conference on Mixed Methods Research (ICMMR 2019) at the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, India on Saturday 23rd February 2019. Professor Simkhada also gave an inaugural speech on the implications of mixed methods on health service research during the conference inauguration ceremony.
Daniel Perley and collaborators describe only third Black Hole 'tidal event' on astronomical record in the journal Nature
A new film telling the story of the fascinating final year of WWI English poet and soldier Wilfred Owen’s life has scooped a collection of international industry awards.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Lady Edwina Gorsvenor at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 9 July 2018.