Race and higher education
Find out what you need to know about race and racism in higher education.
Find out what you need to know about race and racism in higher education.
Business Analytics Educators Forum (BAEF): Advancing business analytics education through interdisciplinary dialogue and resources.
School of Psychology
School of Psychology
Researchers from the Microelectronics Research Group are investigating new technologies and materials. Members from the Group are also exploring ‘show-stoppers’ for optimizing digital/analogue circuits.
Department of Civil Engineering - Dr Magomed Muradov
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Utilise Liverpool John Moores' research and expertise to grow your company and find business solutions, with internationally acclaimed academics and students.
The River Flow 2024 programme is subject to change and will be finalized soon. Registration will open from 8am, while sessions will run from 8.30am to 5.30pm, with lunch provided at 1pm.
We are glad to announce that we are partnering with Liverpool Convention Bureau and The University of Liverpool to provide the best possible experience during your stay in Liverpool.