Tourists say ignorance is bliss - research
Research shows that far from choosing safe and familiar locations, holidaymakers prefer places they know little about.
Research shows that far from choosing safe and familiar locations, holidaymakers prefer places they know little about.
Advising governments and industry on best, or better practices, is a vital job carried out by scientists such as Patrick Byrne of LJMU.
Liverpool John Moores University has teamed up with the BBC to improve gender representation in UK broadcasting.
We are delighted to announce our two new Corporate Charities - Claire House Children's Hospice and The Girls Network.
Liverpool John Moores University taught me that the PhD experience was about reflecting on the notion of becoming. To make sense continuously of what I should, could or need to pursue at any given point. The importance of being creative, accepting mistakes and remaining imaginative were reinforced through my experience at Liverpool John Moores University. A place that taught me to think about the purpose of my work and the reasons that underpinned my ideas. The PhD experience was four years but the positive affect of Liverpool John Moores University will continue.
ASPIRING civil engineers from Liverpool John Moores are visiting the site of the Genoa bridge disaster.
A reaccounting of Liverpools uncomfortable slaving history is being backed by experts at Liverpool John Moores University.
It is with great sadness that LJMU announces the passing of Dr Malcolm Dixon who worked here for 30 years, until his retirement in 2015.
It is with great sadness that the university announces the death of Caroline Chinn following a long illness.
Don't Miss Out! - LJMU Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Personal Development Workshops & Opportunities (2020)