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  1. World Mental Health Day 2019

    World Mental Health Day on October the 10th is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Throughout the week starting Monday 7th– Friday 11th October LJMU Student Advice and Wellbeing Services will be delivering a range of activities and raising awareness to celebrate good mental health and encourage us all to look at what we can do to maintain and promote positive wellbeing.

  2. Bonobos share and share alike

    Bonobos are willing to share meat with animals outside their own family groups. This behaviour was observed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and is documented in a new study in Springer’s journal Human Nature

  3. Next phase of CourseLoop set to go live

    The second phase of LJMU’s new curriculum management system is poised to go live and there will be temporary changes in how staff update their course information.