Does this painting offend you?
Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts
Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts
The age-old rivalry between Liverpool John Moores University and University of Liverpool takes place this month with a series of sporting events.
The emergence of immersive technologies such as VR Headsets and Game Engines provide new opportunities for artists and scientists alike. In this Liverpool Art Science Evening Rendezvouz (LASER) Talks we bring together speakers from very different disciplines whose work greatly extends the potential of these tools within neuroscience, health immersive theatre to reveal insights into the artistic, scientific and technological basis of their unique illusionary and immersive power.
LJMU's Sport Psychology undergraduate course is a great first step for those aspiring to become a sport psychologist.
We sit down with Mollie who applied to LJMU on Results Day to find out what applying through Clearing is like.
We've been working closely with Degree Apprentice employers so we've gained some insight into what they are looking for in candidates.
Are you ready for postgraduate study? Read more to find out...
The value of a university education has been a hot topic for some time. We look at the benefits to doing a degree - why it's a valuable investment in the professional and personal future of students.
As Transgender Awareness Week begins (13 -19th November) and ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance (20 November), Dr Bee Hughes (they/them/theirs), LJMU Lecturer in Media, Culture, Communication and Co-Chair of LJMU Together LGBT+ Staff Network looks at the local, national and international picture when it comes to trans awareness and allyship in 2021.
For us humans, getting involved in an aggressive conflict can be costly, not only because of the risk of injury and stress, but also because it can damage precious social relationships between friends – and the same goes for monkeys and apes.