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  1. Estranged Students Solidarity Week

    Monday 25th - Friday 29th November is Estranged Students Solidarity Week, a national campaign to raise awareness of the issues affecting students who are studying in higher education without the support of a family network.

  2. Support for Young Adult Carers

    On national Young Carers Awareness Day, LJMU announced an official package of specialised support to ensure young carers are able to benefit from the advantages a university education can provide.

  3. LJMU Assessment 4 – 14 January 2022

    As we approach our assessment period early next year, this note is to provide you with important preparation information and to confirm that exams will take place in person (with the exception of Levels 3 and 4).

  4. Black History Month Lecture reaches over 100 pupils!

    In celebration of Black History Month LJMU Historian Dr Andrea Livesey delivered a bespoke lecture entitled "Toppling Statues and renaming building" | The Black Lives Matter Movement and the History of Slavery to young people across the U.K.