What supplements do scientists use and why?
Six scientists share their supplement recommendations.
Six scientists share their supplement recommendations.
Received your results and they’re not what you expected? Changed your mind about your choice of course? Decided you want to live at home or move somewhere else?
Business Studies student Julia Harrison shares her favourite cultural events from Light Night 2019
Six scientists, including LJMU Professor of Human Physiology Graeme Close, on the supplements they take every day and why they take them
We sat down with Muller, a student who applied to study International Relations and Politics, BA (Hons) at Liverpool John Moore’s University through Clearing to find out what studying a foundation year as part of your degree is really like…
We chat with Becca Hope and Julia Harrison about their experiences staying away from social media and discover their top tips on how to let go.
Love reading and analysing books? Consider studying English Literature – a degree that opens doors to a wide range of careers.
Some student tips to start fresh in 2021
We talk to Professor Andy Newsam, Director of the National Schools’ Observatory, about the Apollo 11 Moon landing and learn some interesting facts about the Moon along the way.
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.