7 ways Liverpool was key to improvements in health care
We look at how and why Liverpool was a catalyst for change when it came to public health and how it continues to make a difference in health care today.
We look at how and why Liverpool was a catalyst for change when it came to public health and how it continues to make a difference in health care today.
As the whole university looks towards the beginning of the next standard academic year, this all staff update offers an overview of the work being undertaken to register and welcome our new students.
When it comes to female participation in sport, we've come a long way. But the playing field is by no means level yet...
The sun shone on the third day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July.
Read more about the sixteenth LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, which took place at the Redmonds Building on 14 and 15 June 2017.
Find out more about the fourth day of LJMU's 2017 Summer Graduation Ceremonies that were held at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 13 July.
Read the Graduation review for Friday 24 November 2017, the last day of our Graduation ceremonies in 2017.
In this RCBB Neuroscience Theme event two external speakers, Prof Suzanne Higgs (University of Birmingham) and Dr Ivan Kroupin (The London School of Economics and Political Science, Harvard University), will present their research on executive function differences.
Professor William Schabas will deliver our inaugural Centre for the Study of Law in Theory and Practice (LTAP) Annual Lecture on ‘Race, Racial Discrimination and International Law’.
This fully-funded event* is exclusively for teachers and careers advisors in secondary schools and FE colleges across Northern Ireland.