Search the LJMU website

  1. 200 years of LJMU

    We're celebrating our bicentenary which marks 200 years of LJMU’s legacy in education innovation, and the local community.

  2. SDG 2 - Zero hunger

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Zero hunger.

  3. Education – interviews with women activists in Nepal

    As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are making positive changes to education in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.

  4. Rachael Grace

    Rachael is the winner of the Rose Paterson Sportswoman Community Award 2023 for her dedication to the sport of netball in Liverpool. Not only is she an inspiring community sports coach she juggles teaching and being a mum alongside her own development, having most recently gained an MPhil with LJMU.

  5. SDG 1 - No poverty

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: No poverty.

  6. Governance, Policy and Targets

    Our arrangements for environmental management, sustainability and climate change fit within the university's governance structures which have staff and student representation.

  7. Lisa McCleary

    Lisa works in the Safety, Health and Environment Team and celebrates 30 years as an employee at LJMU in October 2023.

  8. Applicant Days

    Gain valuable insights on the student experience, accommodation and courses from students and faculty members during our applicant days.