Search the LJMU website

  1. Why our brains need touch

    An LJMU academic is leading a Neuroscience Group (SANG) that is revolutionising how we view the basic human sense of touch.

  2. Dental plan for LJMU staff

    The scheme provided by Unum Dental is an insurance policy available to LJMU staff, apply by 31 Jan 2024.

  3. Ready for the Randox Health Grand National

    Find out more about the week of public health programmes Grand National sponsors Randox Health have run in partnership with LJMU’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

  4. New Bicentenary film celebrates Graduation

    As LJMU continues its Bicentenary year, the next in a series of bespoke videos has been released, this time recognising the amazing achievement and celebration that is graduation at LJMU.