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  1. Ramadan 2020

    We wish a peaceful Ramadan to all those observing the Holy Month.

  2. Changes to Harvard LJMU Referencing

    From the start of the 2024/25 academic year the institutional style for Harvard referencing is changing from Harvard LJMU to Harvard Cite Them Right.

  3. Confidential Waste Policy update

    The updated policy includes further information on disposing of small amounts of confidential waste in confidential waste bins across the university and on how you can order secure bags for larger quantities.

  4. Transgender Awareness Workshop 

    LJMU's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team are proud to be working in partnership with Subject Matter Expert; GenderSpace and are pleased to offer LJMU/JMSU Staff the opportunity to participate in a virtual, half day (three hour) Transgender Awareness Workshop.

  5. Take charge of your pension

    This Pension Awareness Week (11-15 September) access free, impartial, and straightforward pension information, as well as a series of live sessions.

  6. Discover magazine recognises Homo naledi research

    Research regarding the discovery of a new species of human relative shedding light on the origins and diversity of our origins was selected as the second most important scientific story in 2015.