LJMU Law call for international mooters
There is a great opportunity for law students to debate human rights and international law issues with students from across the globe.
There is a great opportunity for law students to debate human rights and international law issues with students from across the globe.
From next week, LJMU will be implementing Multi Factor Authentication. You won't be able to access LJMU services without it. Follow these simple steps to register.
Sport science alumnus Keith George is now Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Dr Jan Brown of Liverpool Business School looks at how hosting Eurovision next year could impact the city's economy
Update your details and find out where staff and students can go for IT support.
They are most-commonly associated with a blocked nose and headaches but the humble sinuses could hold an important key to the evolution of the human face.
This month Ceana Khonje, a local pupil from Belvedere College in Liverpool took on a work experience placement here at LJMU.
The Head of International Partnerships and International Partnerships Manager held talks in Hanoi with representatives of FPT School of Business & Technology to support the development of LJMU's Transnational education ventures in Vietnam.
Danny Cullinane, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, is attempting to row further than he has ever rowed before, by completing a marathon distance (42,195 metres) in aid of the charity True Athlete Project.
For the past two years, colleagues across LJMU have been working to better understand and recognise the type of support needed by those experiencing the menopause, and to devise ways to create greater awareness across the organisation.