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  1. LGBTQI+ Flags

    In 1978 gay rights activist Gilbert Baker created the first Pride flag with the goal of it being a symbol for everyone. Since then many new flags were created to represent all communities within the LGBTQI+ community.

  2. Diversity and Inclusion e-Learning

    These Diversity and Inclusion MicroLearning Resources are available to all LJMU Staff and Students, providing you with valuable information on various topics, and keeping you updated with relevant information and supporting materials.

  3. LJMU Together LGBTIQ+ Staff Network

    LJMU Together (LGBTIQ+) Staff Network supports the strategic aim of being a University where each person is respected equally and where diversity is embraced.

  4. Undergraduate open days

    Visit Liverpool John Moores University's vibrant undergraduate open days. Explore courses, meet faculty, and discover your future in one dynamic event.

  5. How do I buy (including i-Buy)

    Procurement services have responsibility for developing the LJMU procurement strategy, financial regulations, i-buy and supporting LJMU schools and service teams to achieve value for money and best practice in obtaining goods and services.

  6. i-buy - Information for Users

    i-Buy is a self-service system, which helps LJMU staff select and order goods, services and works in a simple and standardised manner, from approved, recognised sources.

  7. i-Buy drop-in sessions and training dates

    Come and see one of your Procurement Finance Officers around campus who can answer your queries, guide you through processes, do live demos on i-Buy and chat all things Procurement