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Nursing and Advanced Practice
Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Decent work and economic growth.
Library policy, regulations, customer service commitments and service standards.
The school of Public and Allied Health brings together disciplines from across the spectrum of health and social care, from high-level, wide-reaching policy perspectives, through to those professions delivering personalised patient care.
At our Volunteering and Summer Opportunities Fair, we'll have charities, businesses and organisations from across the UK and overseas from various sectors. Some are looking for volunteers, others are offering paid summer opportunities, including Go Global schemes like Camp America.
LJMU Special Collections and Archives (SCA) manage the University’s collections of historical, rare, and unique archival and print materials, including photographs, manuscripts, books, video and audio resources.
Discover LJMU's vision and values that supports its approach to education, research, and most importantly, our students.
The LJMU Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity Network aims to connect PE teachers and sport coaches working in schools with staff and students across the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences programmes.
Nursing and Advanced Practice