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  1. Support for Young Adult Carers

    On national Young Carers Awareness Day, LJMU announced an official package of specialised support to ensure young carers are able to benefit from the advantages a university education can provide.

  2. In memoriam: Peter Law

    The university is deeply saddened by the death of Peter Law, who passed away peacefully after a short illness on Thursday 8 February.

  3. Student Spotlight: Mike Lynn

    This week we introduce Mike Lynn, a recent LJMU postgraduate who is working closely with organisations such as Joshua Tree and Alderhey hospital to try to fight for improvements in cancer after care nutrition and exercise in paediatric patients.

  4. LJMU is offering students access to IT services off campus like never before

    Do you prefer to study out of hours? Is there a pressing lab report that you need access to? No problem! LJMU is providing students with 24/7 access to IT services off campus. That means you can access Office 365 from your own device and download other software onto your own laptop/computer as well as accessing lab computers.

  5. Words of wisdom to new students

    We asked our current students and alumni community what their one piece of advice would be to new students starting their studies at LJMU. Here's what they said...