Staff Governor vacancy
The Secretariat is now seeking expressions of interest from eligible candidates to represent Professional Services as a Staff Governor member of the Board of Governors.
The Secretariat is now seeking expressions of interest from eligible candidates to represent Professional Services as a Staff Governor member of the Board of Governors.
"Her interest in technology and digital art respond to the pertinent issues of our time"
The Secretariat is now taking expressions of interests from eligible candidates for two vacancies on the Academic Board, a Directorate and a Professoriate member.
Read more about the visit of a group of BA (Hons) Sport Business students to BBC Sport at Salford Quays recently as part of one of their modules.
The School of Education invites leading academic to talk to staff about compassion in HE
Find out more about Ellie Burrows and Lizzie Craven have been successful in securing a place on the 2020 intake for the FA University Women’s Leadership Programme.
Student Futures call out for ideas across the university
LJMU academics contribute much to the success of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
The People Plan 2030 outlines six strategic themes to create engaged staff, central to LJMU’s success.
New agreement to implement Canvas institutional virtual learning environment (iVLE) in 2017.