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  1. Maritime SuperSkills

    Find out more about the Maritime Superskills Project. With over 90% of UK goods being delivered by ship it’s therefore no surprise that the maritime sector is vast and offers opportunities in diverse roles requiring a wide-range of skills.

  2. Next steps - Priorities for deepening and broadening

    We identified that our priorities for development involve consolidating some areas, promoting some SDGs which are not typically present in our work, and influencing wider strategy within the institution. Our final goal is about embedding PRME into our strategic management practices.

  3. Musa Bashir

    Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering

  4. About LiRICS

    The Liverpool Research Institute for Climate and Sustainability (LiRICS) aims to accelerate interdisciplinary sustainability (especially climate action) research with impactful solutions for economic, legal, educational, environmental, and infrastructural systems.

  5. Colm Bowe

    School of Biological and Environmental Sciences