Study in the UK
LJMU has set up an exchange programme with the US. If you're a US student that wants to study at LJMU for a semester find out what you need to know.
LJMU has set up an exchange programme with the US. If you're a US student that wants to study at LJMU for a semester find out what you need to know.
Wellbeing Week, which runs every year provides an opportunity for staff and students to try out new approaches to staying healthy and happy; from yoga to music, knitting to meditation. See the programme of activities from Wellbeing Week 2021.
Find out about the facilities and support for faith and contemplation while you are studying at LJMU including our multi-faith rooms and the LJMU Ecumenical Chaplaincy.
Service standards have been developed to give our customers a clear indication of the level of service you can expect from student administration services.
Our graduation ceremonies at Liverpool Cathedral (Anglican) are a rich pageant full of colour provided by academic gowns, processional maces, banners, fanfares and ceremonial music.
LJMU was awarded the Liverpool Bambis Breastfeeding Friendly Mayoral Award in June 2022. The award recognises commitment to supporting staff, students and visitors who are breastfeeding their children to feel welcome to do so across campus buildings.
At our Volunteering and Summer Opportunities Fair, we'll have charities, businesses and organisations from across the UK and overseas from various sectors. Some are looking for volunteers, others are offering paid summer opportunities, including Go Global schemes like Camp America.
U.S. students can find out the eligibility requirements and how to apply for federal student aid to support their studies at LJMU.
Students from the U.S. planning to study, or currently studying at LJMU will need to understand how their federal or private loans will be paid to them. This section provides information on loan disbursements, opening a UK bank account, cancelling a loan, and more.
If you are an exchange student on a programme such as SOCRATES or ERASMUS, you can find out all the information you need about your accommodation.