Our work placement schemes aims to connect employers with undergraduate student talent, making your recruitment process pain free and as successful as possible.
Our work placement schemes aims to connect employers with undergraduate student talent, making your recruitment process pain free and as successful as possible.
Find out more about how AI and Drone Technology for Wildlife Conservation.
See the international entry requirements for students from Belize wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
Astrophysics Research Institute
Find out how you can support local black businesses and community organisations.
Astrophysics Research Institute
A Standard Visit visa can be used for purposes such as studying a course of less than 6 months, coming to do re-sits, tourism or for your family and friends to come and visit you.
Researchers from the Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine Research Institute (LOOM) works with over 50 UK and global industrial and regulatory partners. You can find out about some of these projects here.
Astrophysics Research Institute
Find out more information about our Visiting Research Fellows.