When are pandemics actually over - research?
Welcome Trust study draws on LJMU psychology scholarship
Welcome Trust study draws on LJMU psychology scholarship
Clinical Exercise Physiologists can now become registered health professionals
LJMU to launch new Mental Health Awareness development opportunities for all staff in January 2020.
We have collated various workshops and resources, which we hope will help you manage your stress levels and identify how LJMU can support you.
First graduates from LJMU's pioneering environmental course BSc in Climate change
Stories of students 'locked down' in halls inspire fresh approach in LJMU Student Advice & Welfare
The university is committed to providing a holistic package of services and resources to support your wellbeing.
This article was published in The Conversation and authored by Sarah Schiffling, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management, LJMU and Liz Breen, Reader in Health Service Operations, University of Bradford.
Book onto the mental health and wellbeing training now.
Looking after your health is important when living away from home.